Friday, August 15, 2008

Bloomington, Indiana

We are about to leave bloomington- where we have spent the past two nights. After driving through Kansas, Missouri and Indiana, we arrived in b-town around midnight on wednesday night! It was so wonderful to see Amanda and stay in her super cute apartment. We all stayed up talking pretty late, and then slept really really well on amanda's air mattress!

The next day, we walked to have breakfast at a place called "The Runcible Spoon", where I've actually been before last time I was here to visit Amanda. We had a really good breakfast, and there are fish in the bathtub in the restroom- hha! Then we walked around bloomington- down Kirkwood and then into campus. It was a beautiful day! Amanda gave us a tour of the music school, including the amazing stage she gets to perform on!

When we got back to amanda's apt we were pretty tired, so we all took naps which felt sooo good! Then we walked to the grocery store and stocked up for the night! We got some things for dinner and then, obviously, jager and redbull :P Amanda had to go to church choir for an hour, and eric and I were supposed to be taking showers and getting ready to go out, but instead we started watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the movie. Whoops. :)

Eventually we were ready to start partying! Some of Amanda's friends came over, and we all hung out and had jagerbombs. Gross but amazing nonetheless. :) We went out to some of the bars in town then, and had a very fun night!

This morning (by morning I mean 11:30 when we had managed to get up)  we met Molly and Julie, Amanda's friends, at Dunkin Donuts. Amanda just left to go to work, and Eric and I are packing up and getting ready to drive to pittsburgh tonight! Today marks three weeks from take-off, and tomorrow we go home. When I came to the realization that our trip was over at breakfast this morning, I may or may not have started to cry.

Real world, look out.... we're coming back!

Laura and Eric

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