Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Yesterday morning was spent enjoying beautiful, expensive Aspen! We met up with and had lunch with Rach and Sarah and a couple of their friends from the festival after their morning rehearsals. We were also joined by Adam, another CMU friend! We had lunch at a place called Poppycocks and it was yummy! We then said our goodbyes to our Aspen friends, and headed for a drive through Independence Pass- which rach had strictly warned us not to drive at nighttime. The drive was amazing. We went up and through the mountains, passing the Continental Divide (which my brother later explained to me is the highest point between the coasts, splitting which oceans the water goes to on either side) the elevation at this point was over 12,000 feet! There was snow at the same level as us! 

Eventually we made our way out of the mountains. We stopped in Denver for an oil change and heard some bad news about my brakes which I am choosing to ignore for the time being. We continued driving into flat Kansas, and eventually stopped for the night in a town called Hays.

We're about to leave for the drive to Bloomington! Here we come Amanda!!!

Laura and Eric

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